

The Parent’s Guide to Teaching Kids About Diversity

Help your child have a deep appreciation for the enriching differences she’ll encounter throughout her life with these strategies and multicultural books.


Teaching Children about Diversity

Here are some tips and resources to help parents and teachers to encourage children to value diversity.


8 Ways to Show Young Children that Diversity is a Strength

As young children enter their first years of school, they’ll get to know peers with a wide variety of abilities, cultures, languages, and backgrounds. It’s totally natural for them to notice similarities and differences and express curiosity, and it’s up to the grownups in their lives to not only model acceptance of diversity, but to frame it as a strength.

Teaching Diversity with Crafts and Activities

If you want to begin teaching diversity to young kids, then you will definitely want to check out these crafts and activities that teach children about other cultures in fun, hands-on ways.